Thursday, January 31, 2008

How to Remove Obstacles to Growth and Progress

By Davis Goss

For more than 50 years, Davis Goss has been a creative consultant with particular expertise in problem solving for a widely diverse client base that has included many of the giants of American business. His latest book, "The Science of LIVING BETTER FOREVER", details his unique scientific problem solving techniques that, unlike any other, are based solely on proven scientific laws and principles.

Any success oriented person with an eye to the future is always alert to exploring those methods and procedures that others have proven to be successful. My professional experiences have shown me that there is only one thing that prevents us from realizing new profits and more positive personal and professional growth experiences is some barrier or obstacle that seems to exist between where we are now and where we would like to be.

People experience resistance to growth because they have been taught that they are the victims of negative situations that have been imposed upon them from some outside situation over which they have no control. This is where the struggle begins. They instinctively feel compelled to confront the situation with sufficient force to beat it into submission. This confrontational approach is the cause of all stress, pressure, anxiety and fear.

It is a self-evident fact that in a universe that functions in perfect balance and harmony, without any help from you and me, there are universal laws and principles that maintain and support their irrevocable continuity and perpetuity. Through my reasoning process, I can accurately conclude that I am an integral element in this system and partake of its perfection and non-confrontational, productive existence. If I am not consciously experiencing this right now, it's my own fault.

The key to resolving any negative, obstructive situation is not buried in some long lost archive. It is found in our own dictionary. It's found in Webster's definition of natural laws and principles which he states very simply as "the creative and controlling forces of the universe". By definition, these natural laws and principles cannot be negative, destructive or be flawed in any way. They are absolute, irrevocable and all-inclusive and are no more subject to debate, challenge, alteration or circumvention than the suggestion that "5" has a rightful place at the end of 2 + 2.

The only action worthy of our attention when confronted with a problem, obstacle or barrier of any kind is to recognize that the harmony or solution is already embodied in some natural law or principle. And if we will keep our thought open and receptive to these laws in operation, and away from the problem's destructive negativism, we will be letting these "creative and controlling forces of the universe" enforce their own nature and we will be a witness to our problem's disappearance.

Think about this. Realize that the only thing that will solve your problems, remove that "glitch" in your world and allow you to break free of any restrictions that may inhibit your business or personal and professional growth, is by allowing natural laws and principles to guide and govern your actions and mind-set. NOT money. NOT technology. NOT academic achievement. NOT personal opinions. NOT intellectual theories or philosophical abstractions. The only thing you can do is to release your own personal feelings and opinions, keep your mental focus on the irreversible operation of "the creative forces of the universe" and allow this mindset to manifest in improved events and circumstances that define your life experiences.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fear of Failure

By Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?" and "Healing Your Aloneness." She is the co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding healing process.

Failure! What do you feel when you think about failure? Inadequate? Unworthy? Unlovable? It is so sad that you might have learned to link failure to your value as a person.

Most people who are successful in their work and their relationships have experienced many failures along their road to success. Thomas Edison, the inventor of the electric bulb, is often quoted regarding failure:

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

"I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward."

"Many of life's failures are men who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."

"Show me a thoroughly satisfied man, and I will show you a failure."

If Edison has been afraid of failure, or believed that failure meant he was inadequate, he would never have invented the light bulb!

In order to achieve success in any area of your life, you need to redefine failure. Instead of seeing failure as an indication of your inadequacy or lack of worth, you need to see failure as a stepping-stone to success. Some of the most financially successful people experienced repeated failures.

* Walt Disney was a high school drop out who suffered bankruptcy and repeated financial and business disasters.

* Milton Hershey, chocolate maker and founder of the famous Hershey Foods Corp., found success only after filing for bankruptcy for his first four candy companies.

* Henry Ford filed for bankruptcy for the first car company he started. He didn't succeed until he started his third company, Ford Motor Company.

* After P.T. Barnum, American showman, went bankrupt, he joined forces with circus operator James A. Bailey to found Barnum and Bailey's Greatest Show on Earth.

* Quaker Oats went bankrupt three times, as did Wrigley from Wrigley's Gum. Pepsi-Cola went bankrupt twice. Other famous companies that also went bankrupt are Birds Eye Frozen Foods, Borden's,? and Aunt Jemima.

* Albert Einstein did poorly in elementary school, and he failed his first college entrance exam at Zurich Polytechnic.

* Winston Churchill had a lifetime of defeats and setbacks before becoming prime minister of England at age 62. All of his greatest accomplishments and contributions came when he was a senior citizen.

* Sir Laurence Olivier, one of the greatest actors of the 20th century, tripped over the door sill and fell headfirst into the floodlights the very first time he had ever set foot on the professional stage!

* Woody Allen flunked motion picture production at New York University and the City College of New York and failed English at N.Y.U.

* Astronaut Ed Gibson flunked first and fourth grades.

* Lucille Ball was once dismissed from drama school for being too quiet and shy.


If these successful people had been afraid of failure, they would never have offered the world their talents. They were able to go on to success because they saw failure as a learning opportunity rather than as an indication of their inadequacy.

Are you ready to change your concept of failure? Are you ready to let go of worrying about what failure says about you and just learn from it? Are you ready to free your soul to do what you really want to do?

If the fear of failure is stopping you from doing what you really want to do, I want to encourage you to change your concept of failure. I want to encourage you to let go of your old way of seeing failure and start to envision failures as learning opportunities on the way to success. Just as Thomas Edison did, I encourage you to see every failure as a step forward!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Things to Remember

The following list has made its way around cyberspace quite a few times. It is a favorite of the MEG Staffing team and we share it with you in hopes that it will inspire you to live to your potential and bolster your confidence. Tape it to your bathroom mirror, carry it around with you in your pocket, make it one of the last things you read before going to bed at night, re-energize your mind and strenghten your fortitude.

Savor and enjoy!

Did you know...
  • There are at least two people in this world that you would die for.
  • At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
  • The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
  • A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.
  • Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
  • You mean the world to someone.
  • You are special and unique.
  • Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
  • When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
  • When you think the world has turned its back on you take another look.
  • Always remember the compliments you received.
  • Forget about the rude remarks.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Is The Law of Attraction Bringing You What You Want?

By Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?" and "Healing Your Aloneness." She is the co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding healing process

Many people on a personal and spiritual growth path have read about the law of attraction. Simply stated, this law says that like attracts like, which means, in a general sense, that happiness draws happiness and misery draws misery. The law states that whatever we think about, with strong feelings, is what we manifest. If you think about what you don't want - especially with a strong emotion like fear, then you are manifesting what you don't want. What many people do with this is attempt to think happy thoughts and visualize what they do want, only to find that things stay pretty much the same as they always have.

What is the problem here? Is this law not true?

No, the law is absolutely true. The problem is in understanding the "frequency" that is necessary to manifest what you want.

Your frequency is the energy level at which you are vibrating. A low frequency - which comes from operating from fear, anger, hurt, jealousy, judgment, anxiety, depression, and so on - is like a closed door regarding your ability to manifest. In other words, the universe is bringing you want you want, but hits the closed door of your low frequency.

A high frequency, coming from feelings of love, inner peace, and joy, opens the door for the manifestation of your dreams.

The deeper challenge here is in understand intent, because it is your intent that determines your feelings and your frequency.

There are only two possible intents in any given moment:

1. The intent to be loving to yourself and others, and to learn about what is in your highest good.
2. The intent to avoid pain with some form of controlling behavior.

The intent to learn creates a high frequency, while the intent to avoid pain/control creates a low frequency. When you are trying to manifest what you want, the intent you are coming from will determine the outcome. Many people believe that thinking about what they want will give them control over getting what they want. However, their intent to control is lowering their frequency and preventing the manifestation.

When you are trying to manifest what you want in order to be happy, you will generally fail. When you try to have control over getting what you want in order to be happy, you are making something external responsible for your happiness. The truth is that your deep inner joy is determined by your own thoughts and behavior toward yourself, not by what happens externally. Manifestation occurs when your desires are an extension of your joy, rather than making your success in manifestation the cause of your joy. In order to manifest, you need to be stating what you want and visualizing what you want from a place of deep inner peace and joy. You need to already be happy to manifest!

When your basic intention in your life is to be loving to yourself and others and you take full internal responsibility for your own pain and joy, that is when you will be able to manifest your dreams. Instead of spending lots of time in affirmations and visualizations, you will serve yourself better by becoming conscious of your intent to control.

It is unfortunate that many people try to use the law of attraction as just another form of control. Actually, anything can be used as a form of control when that is your intent. The experience of spiritual support occurs when you shift your intent from controlling to loving yourself and others. Since our learned unconscious choice is always to control, this shift in intent needs to be a moment-by-moment conscious choice.

When you practice consciously choosing the intent to learn about loving and take loving action for yourself and others, you will not only feel joyful and peaceful within, you will be able to manifest your dreams!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Give Up Excuses

By Leslie Gail

Leslie Gail is a Certified Life Coach that helps her clients achieve personal and professional success without compromising their values. Leslie appears regularly on KOSI radio show, publishes her articles in The Rocky Mountain News and appears on TV.

So, we all have excuses in life that we fall back on time and time again. Maybe because of difficult upbringings, or hardships, certain beliefs have laid their imprint on you. Excuses keep you from venturing forward, in that they keep you safe from possible heartbreak. Having an excuse excuses you from facing the truth, while keeping you in your comfort zone. Maybe someone uses the excuse that they never have enough time. Sound familiar? Then, they create a lifestyle that feeds into this excuse. They keep extremely busy, they over commit themselves, they take on far too many responsibilities. Then they tell themselves "See, I told you I never have enough time". Well their wish is granted. Others tell themselves that they will always be overweight, it's just in their genes. Because they believe this excuse, they continue to eat unhealthy foods and stray from exercise. Why bother, they tell themselves, if they are always going to be out of shape anyway. This plays into the victim mentality. Not very empowering. What if you didn't have any excuses to fall back on? What if you took responsibility for all of your choices and all of the subsequent consequences? Would this make your life harder in that you would have to venture out there and face some of your fears? Or, would it make you stronger and more confident because you would be taking responsibility for all of your actions? You wouldn't be using excuses as your safety net. In order to move past your excuses, you first have to admit you have them in the first place. This is the difficult part. Once you've admitted that you don't need to be overweight for the rest of your life, then you need to do something about it. Something to think about.


1. List your top excuses
So, what are the top excuses you use? "I'm always going to be single, so why bother" or "I've always struggled with weight, so what's the point" or "With young children, my life is just going to be chaos for a while". Just list the top excuses that you use in your life. Again, you need to acknowledge these first before you can break free from them.

2. Foresee possible outcomes
Now you need to list possible outcomes if your excuses were no longer true. "If my excuse regarding________were no longer true, how would my life be different?" Write down 2-3 things that would be different if your excuses were gone. This will help you see the possibilities that exist when the excuses don't overshadow your life.

3. Brainstorm
Pick one of your main excuses first, and brainstorm ideas of how you can get rid of it. Let's assume your excuse was that you are going to be overweight for the rest of your life. If this excuse was gone, what could you pursue first? Work with a nutritionist to offer advice and help in regards to eating healthier. Ask some friends to meet you for walks? Set small attainable goals for yourself to keep you on track? Just the mere act of ridding yourself of the excuse will begin to push you in the right direction.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Choose the Life You Want for 2008

By Gini Grey

January is often a time when people are reflecting on the past year and setting goals for the new year (or for some, beating themselves up for what they didn't do last year, cringing at what they did do and begrudgingly stating that they're never going to set goals again!). But setting goals is really about making choices. Choosing to continue on the same path or choosing a new direction. It can be specific choices like choosing a new job, choosing to do your job differently, choosing social and recreational activities to take part in and so on. Or it can be less tangible like setting your intention to have more ease in your life, more money, more time for yourself etc. and being open to the opportunities that support this.

I've discovered that in order to do this, I need to acknowledge that where I am right now is a choice - even with the places, people and situations I'm not happy with. When we're not consciously choosing where we are, we can be stuck in resistance or caught in victimhood. A lot of energy gets sapped in either of these two states. Think about it - if you're resisting something you're in effort, and if your feeling like a victim of your circumstances your energy is weighted down in hopelessness. In reality, wherever we are right now and whatever we're doing is a choice. And we can choose again at any time.

Sometimes we want to deny that we have a choice, but then we feel powerless. Even if our options seem limited, there is still a choice - it may be between the lesser of two evils, but acknowledging that you are in the role of choosing feels more empowering. Then your energy is freed up from resisting or complaining and can be used to create new choices in your life.

Here are some insightful questions to ponder:

* What are you choosing in your life right now that you are happy with?

* What are you choosing in your life right now that you are not happy with?

* What choices would you like to make for yourself this year?

* For the choices you are happy with, what must you believe about yourself in order to have created this in your life?

* For the places where you feel stuck in your choices, what are your underlying beliefs about this situation? What are your underlying beliefs about yourself?

Here are some inspiring ideas to try:

* Often our choices in life arise out of our belief systems. You've heard the saying "if you believe you can you will and if you believe you can't you won't". Once you've explored your beliefs (particularly core beliefs about yourself) that are positive and support you in having what you want in life, you can build on this by reminding yourself about these. Try writing them down and then have them ready to read over when your feeling disempowered - it's a great way to pick yourself up again.

* For the beliefs you uncovered that are negative or limiting you in what you want to have or do for yourself, ask yourself where these came from and if they are really true or not. Beliefs are another thing we can choose. Most beliefs have been passed on to us from our families, teachers and society or from early experiences as we were growing up. Many of them are unconscious and run the way we live our lives. Once we become conscious of them, we can re-choose what we want to believe and what we know down deep is true for ourselves.

* Try making a list of what you want to believe and imagine moving into the future with these beliefs. What will your life be like, how will you feel? Reading over this list regularly will help to de-program the limiting beliefs you hold and reset your certainty and confidence for creating what you truly want in your life.

"We are what we thinkAll that we are arises with our thoughtsWith our thoughts we create the world"Buddha

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Art of Relating

By Keith Varnum
Keith shares his practical approach to transformation as an author, radio host, and "Dream Workshops" facilitator. Keith helps people get love, money and health with his free Prosperity Ezine, free Empowerment Tape and free Coaching.

I cringed at every loaded word in the title of Dale Carnegie's celebrated book, How to Win Friends and Influence People! My mother-God bless her!-made me take the Dale Carnegie Training forty years ago when I was in junior high school. The idea that I had to change myself to "win" friends and "influence" people felt manipulative and distasteful to an idealistic teenager. But once I absorbed the authentic attitude of Carnegie's way of connecting with people, I heartily embraced his approach. He encourages us to "learn to love, respect and enjoy other people." He emphasizes methods for interacting with people without making them feel manipulated.

The essence of the Dale Carnegie can be captured in this revealing statement: "Wouldn't you like to have a magic phrase that would stop argument, eliminate ill feeling, create good will, and make the other person listen attentively? Yes? All right. Here it is. Begin by saying: 'I don't blame you one iota for feeling as you do. If I were you, I should undoubtedly feel just as you do.'"

I only now realize how profoundly my life has been molded by those evenings spent with Carnegie's spirit. I see now that I did assimilate his wisdom on a deep level and have since used his insights every step of my path to success and happiness.

Carnegie's book might be more accurately entitled "The Art of Relating." Awareness of self and awareness of others are his two guiding principles. His sense of "influence" is not about getting our own way. Influence to him is an art. Influence is about seeing a mutually harmoniously way to achieve a desired outcome. The heart of Carnegie's work is about getting excited about others. Carnegie encourages us to see other people as wonderful tapestries adorned with luxurious threads of experiences. At this point techniques cease to be techniques and begin to become a genuine, natural aspect of how we relate to each other.

Dale Carnegie was a pioneer in public speaking and personality development. He was born in 1888 in Missouri and educated at a small state teachers college. As a salesman and aspiring actor, he traveled to New York and began teaching communications classes to adults at the YMCA. In 1912, the world-famous Dale Carnegie Course was born. He wrote his now-renowned book How to Win Friends and Influence People in 1936. His work was an overnight hit and has sold more than 15 million copies. Carnegie had an understanding of human nature that will never be outdated. Carnegie's tome to people skills is every bit as relevant today as it was when he first wrote this gem. Currently, there are over 2,700 professional instructors that offer the Dale Carnegie Training in more than 75 countries in 25 languages.

Dale Carnegie teaches that life achievement is due to "the ability to express ideas, to assume leadership, and to arouse enthusiasm among people." His Carnegie Institute of Technology conducted investigations that found about 15 percent of a person's financial success is due to technical knowledge; 85 percent is due to skill in human engineering-the ability to lead people. He teaches these skills through underlying principles of dealing with people so that they feel important and appreciated.

For example, if you have employees, co-workers or family members who aren't doing their duties responsibly, you have many options available to you. You can scold them or hound them. Those of us who have tried this approach find that it rarely works, especially in the long term. Dale explains what techniques do work reliably in these situations. The book expands your roster of options, so that when you hit life challenges, you have a variety of pragmatic, effective tools to apply.

Carnegie is also a master of communication skills. You feel a human being is talking directly to you. You know that a heartful person wrote this book. He has a crisp, lively style that keeps you involved. He initially engages you in each chapter with practical questions and relevant stories. He'll first explain the issue, and then give real life examples of how handling the issue properly helped a real person in a real world situation. He illustrates his points with anecdotes of historical figures, leaders of the business world, and everyday folks. His suggestions are all straightforward, simple, doable tactics. Once you practice and master them, they can make a powerful difference in how others interact with you.

How to Win Friends and Influence People! covers several essential areas of everyday life such as arousing enthusiasm among your associates, learning to make friends easily, cultivating positive emotions, being tactful, solving problems, and learning to speak effectively. For over 70 years the rock-solid, time-tested advice in this book has carried thousands of now famous people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives.

The book offers 3 basic techniques for building harmonious personal and professional relationships:

1. "Don't criticize, condemn or complain." Most people don't respond very well to condemnation or complaint. Positive reinforcement works better.

2. "Give honest and sincere appreciation."

3. "Arouse in the other person an eager want."

Carnegie offers 6 winning "ways to make people like you."
1. "Become genuinely interested in other people ... you'll be welcome anywhere!"
2. "Smile. A Simple Way to Make a Good First Impression!"
3. "Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest sound in any language."

4. "Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves."

5. "Talk in terms of the other person's interests."

6. "Make the other person feel important-and do it sincerely."

Carnegie presents 12 effective ways to promote cooperation and "win people to your way of thinking."

1. "The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it."

2. "Show respect for the other person's opinions."

3. "If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically."

4. "Begin in a friendly way."

5. "Get the other person saying 'yes, yes' immediately."

6. "Let the other person do a great deal of the talking."

7. "Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers."

8. "Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view."

9. "Be sympathetic with the other person's ideas and desires."

10. "Appeal to the nobler motives."

11. "Dramatize your ideas."

12. "Throw down a challenge."

The book proposes 9 powerful ways to "Be a Leader: How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment."

1. "Begin with praise and honest appreciation."

2. "Call attention to people's mistakes indirectly."

3. "Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person."

4. "Ask questions instead of giving direct orders."

5. "Let the other person save face."

6. "Praise the slightest improvement. Abilities wither under criticism; they blossom under encouragement."

7. "Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to."

8. "Use encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct."

9. "Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest."

What is the principal message of this book?

Live the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." How do you do this? Through empathy. Take an interest in other people. Understand their concerns and motives. Give them praise, encouragement and appreciation. Understand that one of the greatest human needs is to feel important and appreciated.

Dale Carnegie's concept of valuing humanity works as many wonders today as it did in his day. How to Win Friends and Influence People! is a book to be contemplated and practiced. It's a book that keeps on giving. It's a book that makes us more compassionate and successful human beings.