By Davis Goss
For more than 50 years, Davis Goss has been a creative consultant with particular expertise in problem solving for a widely diverse client base that has included many of the giants of American business. His latest book, "The Science of LIVING BETTER FOREVER", details his unique scientific problem solving techniques that, unlike any other, are based solely on proven scientific laws and principles.
Any success oriented person with an eye to the future is always alert to exploring those methods and procedures that others have proven to be successful. My professional experiences have shown me that there is only one thing that prevents us from realizing new profits and more positive personal and professional growth experiences is some barrier or obstacle that seems to exist between where we are now and where we would like to be.
People experience resistance to growth because they have been taught that they are the victims of negative situations that have been imposed upon them from some outside situation over which they have no control. This is where the struggle begins. They instinctively feel compelled to confront the situation with sufficient force to beat it into submission. This confrontational approach is the cause of all stress, pressure, anxiety and fear.
It is a self-evident fact that in a universe that functions in perfect balance and harmony, without any help from you and me, there are universal laws and principles that maintain and support their irrevocable continuity and perpetuity. Through my reasoning process, I can accurately conclude that I am an integral element in this system and partake of its perfection and non-confrontational, productive existence. If I am not consciously experiencing this right now, it's my own fault.
The key to resolving any negative, obstructive situation is not buried in some long lost archive. It is found in our own dictionary. It's found in Webster's definition of natural laws and principles which he states very simply as "the creative and controlling forces of the universe". By definition, these natural laws and principles cannot be negative, destructive or be flawed in any way. They are absolute, irrevocable and all-inclusive and are no more subject to debate, challenge, alteration or circumvention than the suggestion that "5" has a rightful place at the end of 2 + 2.
The only action worthy of our attention when confronted with a problem, obstacle or barrier of any kind is to recognize that the harmony or solution is already embodied in some natural law or principle. And if we will keep our thought open and receptive to these laws in operation, and away from the problem's destructive negativism, we will be letting these "creative and controlling forces of the universe" enforce their own nature and we will be a witness to our problem's disappearance.
Think about this. Realize that the only thing that will solve your problems, remove that "glitch" in your world and allow you to break free of any restrictions that may inhibit your business or personal and professional growth, is by allowing natural laws and principles to guide and govern your actions and mind-set. NOT money. NOT technology. NOT academic achievement. NOT personal opinions. NOT intellectual theories or philosophical abstractions. The only thing you can do is to release your own personal feelings and opinions, keep your mental focus on the irreversible operation of "the creative forces of the universe" and allow this mindset to manifest in improved events and circumstances that define your life experiences.