By Larry Tansinda
How often do you make plans and hope that God will help? The real truth is that we all wish and hope, but do we really believe we can attain what we wish and hope for? More often than not, as human beings, we run into different situations at different times and our wishes depend on what the reality of the situations is.
How many times are we in financial, emotional, family, health or any other not so good challenges and immediately wish and hope the situation was reversed? Challenges of any kind all call for the concept of taking ACTION.
ACTION in my opinion is doing whatever it takes within reason with the intention of achieving whatever you wish for yourself to alleviate a specific challenge you may be facing. Therefore, if you have an emotional, family, health or financial difficulty, there are a certain number of steps or processes required to get out of that situation. It is how you condition your mind that makes the biggest difference. The following constitute those steps necessary to bring about change.
- Belief
- Conviction
- Positive mindset
- Action
Belief: It is fair to say that when driving a car, you believe that when approaching a stoplight, all you have to do is step on the brake pedal and that will bring the motor vehicle to a halt. That belief is without a doubt because more often than not, it happens exactly as intended each time. You believe without a doubt that reading the owner’s manual of any equipment and using that equipment accordingly will give you the desired effect. Part of the reason why we do this is because we are relying on someone other than ourselves and tend to have more faith in others. Therefore, is it possible then to believe that the actions we take can really get us out of the challenges we face? The answer is a YES in my opinion, because whatever you believe in, can yield the fruits of your intention.
Conviction: Everyone has a certain conviction about what they do and believe in. In the same strand, if you are convinced that your actions will result in a certain outcome, you are already in the process of changing your situation. Considering that in life, there is always going to be a good and bad, love and hate, night and day, beginning and end etc as is defined in the law of Polarity, it only makes sense to maintain a strong conviction that your action will bring you the intended results despite all the odds. Focusing on that which you don’t want alternately doesn’t help your desires because you will only attract more of what you don’t want.
Positive mindset: How many times do we say, “I can’t do this or that,” or that “why am I wasting my time about this…” “…This person or that person tried and failed” etc , etc. We create these situations in our minds and rationalize why things are the way they are without changing. It is amazing why we are surprised thereafter! Do you realize it is easier to be negative than positive in life? If you make a conscious effort to see something positive out of every situation, as time progresses, you will live a life of always attracting the positive things and thoughts.
Action: If you believe, and are convinced or maintain a positive mind set, you still have to begin an action process to complete the journey. Action means that you face the challenge truthfully even if it is embarrassing or difficult, seek the necessary steps through specific actions and before long, you will see results. Therefore, if you have a financial challenge, take steps such as documenting where you are spending money and cut down on your expenses, get a second job to pay down debt, stop eating out etc, etc. When you start doing these things, the combination of believing, conviction and having a positive mindset will generate the right thoughts in your endeavor and as a result attract the right directives which will eventually conquer whatever it is you are trying to change.
If on the other hand, you have an unpleasant job situation, instead of negatively complaining and getting all bitter about everything others are doing, start taking action. Use the ingredients (BCPA) and design an exit strategy for yourself. It could be more education, learning a new skill or talking to someone who has or is where you want to be.
You may not see these results immediately, but I can testify for a fact that being consistent and focused on BCPA will ultimately get you there.
How many people have bothered to ask why so many immigrants to the United States have been able to within 2 – 5 years upon arrival achieve what so many are still struggling to have despite the same or better opportunities? It is not all about luck. It is consciously or unconsciously adapting a BCPA strategy. What about babies growing up? Some decide to walk in 7 or 8 months while others go for up to 14 months. It comes down to believing it can be done. When you watch babies attempting to walk, you can see the determination in their demeanor and know this is something they want to do themselves. Think about the first time your child decided to ride a bicycle without training wheels. The same principle holds true if we need to get out of uncomfortable situations.
Change is a necessary deviation from our comfort level and if you have to become something different from what you are used to, it is necessary to face your fears, believe in yourself like you do your car, then act.
Remember that the Universe is everything and therefore you are protected within that universe because you are part of it. What it really takes is your mind and how you control it. Positive thoughts will attract positive outcomes. In fact, your mind is like a computer, it will pull files that are stored in it. If you have positive files only those will be retrieved when you do a search. Similarly, if you have only negative files (thoughts), the mind has no choice but to pull from that data source.
This is a wonderful recipe for success in life. It does not guarantee success because nothing can. What it does for sure is that it guarantees peace of mind and ensures that the person who follows it can not say 'I wish I had done something about my situation'. Action is the only way you can bring about change for the better or for the worse. You will never know which of the two you would have until you act.
Excellent points, positive thinking can only help oneself. thanks for communicating these thoughts, Larry.
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